Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring


Lakie is committed to providing students with not only a breadth of programing, but depth as well.  The staff a G.S. Lakie have a highly diverse skill set and a passion for a wide variety of hobbies and activities.  That passion has allowed our school to build up an extensive list of opportunities, over and above the excellent core academic programing normally offered within our school.  As a school, Lakie strives to make options availible to kids to participate in, which are taught by specialist teachers in that field.  Lakie also offers an amazing Althetics/Phys Ed program which allows for all students to get involved and stay active.  More over, Lakie has an extensive list of extracuricular clubs and after school programs which all students are welcome to participate in.  In addition to that, Lakie is very proud of it's strong Fine Arts focus which provides students with the oportunity to be invovled in productions that are of the highest caliber (above and beyond what could ever be imagined at the middle school level).  Below is just a sample of some of the amazing programs and opportunities that Lakie students are invited to be a part of.  Please click on the menu to hear more about the great programs offered at G.S. Lakie Middle School.