The FISH Philosophy is ingrained into so much of what we do at Lakie. One facet of this is reflected in our FISH Fridays. The term "FISH Friday" refers to a 20 minute block of time that has been included in our time table first thing on Friday morning. FISH Fridays are designed for our school to explore the four pillars of the FISH Philosophy... Be There, Choose Your Attitude, Play, & Make Their Day. Our teachers work incredibly hard at crafting a different activity each Friday to help build and foster our sense of school community. In some cases, our FISH Fridays examine serious or more somber topics. While on others, we get loud and cheer proud as a school. FISH Fridays have become a tradition at Lakie that have been around since the school was founded in 2003. We often have returning students who have graduated from Lakie return to visit, and time and time again one of the things they say they miss the most are our FISH Fridays.