Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring



Photo of Brad Dersch

Brad Dersch


Phone: (403) 327-3465

Photo of Aimee Dewacht

Aimee Dewacht

Vice Principal

Phone: (403) 327-3465

Photo of Matthew Brunner

Matthew Brunner

Vice Principal

Phone: 403-327-3465

Administrative Assistants

Photo of Cathy Widmer

Cathy Widmer

Administrative Assistant

Phone: (403) 327-3465

Photo of Christine Schooten

Christine Schooten

Administrative Assistant

Phone: (403) 327-3465

Support Staff

Photo of Sheridan Mustard

Sheridan Mustard

Learning Commons Facilitator

Phone: 403-327-3465


Photo of Fay Coleby

Fay Coleby


placeholder image for Jenn Shields

Jenn Shields

Family School Liaison Counsellor

Phone: 403-327-3465


Photo of Brenda Anderberg

Brenda Anderberg

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Sheldon Arvay

Sheldon Arvay

Guitar, Rock & Pop

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Austin Davenport

Austin Davenport

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Brandon Fletcher

Brandon Fletcher

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Dale Friesen

Dale Friesen

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Nathan Fulcher

Nathan Fulcher

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Kristin Grant

Kristin Grant

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Keith Griffioen

Keith Griffioen

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Sydney Huculak

Sydney Huculak

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Kathleen Janzen

Kathleen Janzen

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Kristi Legge

Kristi Legge


Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Ryan Letasy

Ryan Letasy

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Frank Lowe

Frank Lowe

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Ashley Lynch

Ashley Lynch

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Lisa McGee

Lisa McGee

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Nicole Meier

Nicole Meier

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Russell Milder

Russell Milder

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Tavis Newman

Tavis Newman


Phone: (403) 327-3465

Photo of Amanda Oliver

Amanda Oliver

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Nick Rickards

Nick Rickards

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Kate Waldie

Kate Waldie

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Erin Wallace

Erin Wallace

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Courtney Wehlage

Courtney Wehlage

Art & Drama

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Joseph Wright

Joseph Wright

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Sophia Zruna

Sophia Zruna

Phone: 403-327-3465

Educational Assistants

Photo of Catherine Bergeron

Catherine Bergeron

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Carey Findlay

Carey Findlay

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Colleen Giesbrecht

Colleen Giesbrecht

Phone: 403-327-3465

placeholder image for Tracey Gresl

Tracey Gresl

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Brian Lally

Brian Lally

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-327-3465

placeholder image for Lori-Ann Machtmes

Lori-Ann Machtmes

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Kara McFaddin

Kara McFaddin

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Sherri Thompson

Sherri Thompson

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Melanie Van Eck

Melanie Van Eck

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-327-3465

Photo of Cynthia Young

Cynthia Young

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-327-3465


Photo of Sean Erlendson

Sean Erlendson

Photo of Jonas Freedman

Jonas Freedman

placeholder image for Emilie Lacey

Emilie Lacey

Phone: 403-327-3465

Contact Staff Member