Keith Griffioen

Phone: 403-327-3465
My name is Keith Griffioen and I am beginning my 24th year in education. I have been a long-time band and choral teacher in the division and spent the last 7 years teaching music education and evaluation at the U of L. I’m excited to come back to the classroom and build up Lakie’s band programme once again, as well as teach my other passion: Social Studies.
I am also still a student myself as I’m just finishing my Doctoral dissertation in Education. I joke with my children that I am beginning Grade 29. My research focuses are building metacognition through quality assessment and evaluation (in music and life) as well as the effects of music education on children from lower income, working-class backgrounds.
I’m married to a middle school teacher and have two children, aged 15 and 12. In my spare time (ha…ha…) I assistant coach my son’s Rec hockey team, cycle, hike, read, play games, and still run a busy music side business performing and teaching trumpet. You’ll see me regularly with the Lethbridge Symphony, the Aeris Brass quintet, and the Lethbridge Big Band (jazz).
I’m looking forward to teaching again at G. S. Lakie as I student taught here many years back when it had first opened. If you have any questions about the band programme here, please feel free to email me.